Wednesday, February 9, 2011

3 more environments

Some new, some old :)
the first one is for a personal project,
second one is a quick concept inspired by a certain franchise :)
and the third is an old piece I never felt was finish so I added a bit more to it.

thanks for looking!


  1. Excelentes los tres, aunque el segundo y el tercero tienen más magia, geniales.

  2. damn cool blog, mr Wolf!

  3. Hey Nadia, thank you very much!

    and thanks Lucaso Comics, the comments are always welcome :)

  4. Your artwork is amazing and inspiring! I'm really impressed with how each of the pieces communicates such a distinct and discernible emotion

  5. These images are amazing!!! That top one is like a photo, the lighting is just spot on :O

  6. Dude , I'm Your big big big big Fan ! Your artworks are amazing and i'd love to see more. I have hope that if i will keep training I will be paint like You !

  7. Hey thanks :)
    As long as you keep practicing and pushing yourself it will only be a matter of time so keep at it! :D

  8. New to your work, especially like the third image. All best.
